Monday, February 01, 2010

New Year Wish List

It may be a little late but here is my wish list for Manatee and Sarasota real estate for 2010.

Lenders need to cut through the red tape and start make a real push to keep people in their homes. Yes, this may mean they have to right down the value of the mortgage but in the long run it might be much cheaper than having to foreclose.

Lenders need to cut through the red tape and get the short sale process down to a couple of months. Some are getting there but many of the financial institutions are still taking at least three to five months if not more to give a yea or nay on a short sale.

Let the stabilization trend continue. Prices have started to hit a rock bottom. If we can keep this trend going maybe home owners may even see a little rise in prices by the end of the year.

Last but not least let everyone in the real estate market realize we live in a beautiful community in Manatee and Sarasota we can believe in. A positive mindset can set all things we wish for in motion.

All the best
Greg Owens P.A.
Keller Williams On The Water
Greg o


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